### pooling Go back to the [[AI Glossary]] #image Reducing a matrix (or matrices) created by an earlier convolutional layer to a smaller matrix. Pooling usually involves taking either the maximum or average value across the pooled area. For example, suppose we have the following 3x3 matrix: ![A 3x3 convolutional matrix](https://i.imgur.com/7RJLafm.png) A pooling operation, just like a convolutional operation, divides that matrix into slices and then slides that convolutional operation by strides. For example, suppose the pooling operation divides the convolutional matrix into 2x2 slices with a 1x1 stride. As the following diagram illustrates, four pooling operations take place. Imagine that each pooling operation picks the maximum value of the four in that slice: ![An example of pooling in a convolutional neural network](https://i.imgur.com/N8oVIe2.png) Pooling helps enforce translational invariance in the input matrix. Pooling for vision applications is known more formally as spatial pooling. Time-series applications usually refer to pooling as temporal pooling. Less formally, pooling is often called subsampling or downsampling.